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Timing : 10:00 to 09:30

Day Care

Day Care

Psyhub is a psychiatric day care and counselling center located in the central location of Anna nagar, managed by a team of Rehabilitation Psychologist and Counselling Psychologists. It offers counselling, rehabilitation and day care facilities for patients suffering various mental health issues ranging from mild to moderate cases.

The increasing incidence of mental health disorders is taking a heavy toll and is causing an alarm in the society. The counselling center was started to help the people become mentally healthy by offering counselling for various mental health issues, catering to all kinds of population. The center also caters to couples with marital distress through counselling.

Psychometric assessments are also done by qualified professionals to provide a holistic treatment plan for the clients. Assessments are done on the following areas: Intelligence, Psychological wellbeing, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Personality, Learning Disability, Adult ADHD, and Autism.

The day care was started with the idea of alleviating the suffering of patients with mental health disorders and to mitigate the care givers’ burden. The Clinic offers Psychiatric day care center for those patients with long term illness, can survive out of hospital but remain socially and vocationally disabled. The center currently deals with the patients with Mental Retardation, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Schizophrenia, Depression, Stress and Anxiety.

The objective of the day care center is to develop and instill good work habits, improve living skills, social skills, interaction, adjustment, fine motor skills and executive functioning by using game based activities. The clients are in the center from 10am to 3pm, Monday to Saturday

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